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EWA​, the professional organization dedicated to ​strengthening the community of education ​writers and improving the ​quality of education coverage ​to better inform the public, hosts ​a weekly podcast featuring lively interviews with journalists.

Nov 20, 2012

Plummeting prices for e-readers and tablet computers mean big changes for the textbook industry, as more students and professors clamor for digital versions of traditional paper editions. What does this shift in the publishing world mean for college costs, and how are universities getting e-textbooks into the hands of...

Nov 20, 2012

In recent years, various options have emerged to trim the costs of earning a degree. In this session, we will examine whether options such as three-year degree programs and online education can make higher education more affordable.

·         Scott Jaschik, Inside Higher Ed (moderator)

·         Kris...

Nov 20, 2012

When students pay different amounts to take the same courses, does one student’s tuition go toward another’s education? We take close look at this debate as part of a discussion of the factors that college and university administrators consider when they determine tuition prices.

·         Jon Marcus, Hechinger...

Nov 20, 2012

The latest on what we know about how students learn best, what institutions should be looking for, and how they determine if it’s happening.  

·         Kenneth Terrell, Education Writers Association (moderator)

·         George Kuh (NILOA) and Robert Gonyea (NSSE)

·         Trudy Banta and Gary Pike, IUPUI

Nov 20, 2012

Are there alternatives that can either prevent students from accumulating loan debt while they are in school or assist them in repaying their debt after they have earned a degree? In this session, we examine the pros and cons of options such as income-based repayment and student loan bankruptcy reform.

·         Kim...