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EWA​, the professional organization dedicated to ​strengthening the community of education ​writers and improving the ​quality of education coverage ​to better inform the public, hosts ​a weekly podcast featuring lively interviews with journalists.

Jan 29, 2015

The New Yorker magazine recently served up a deep look at Jeb Bush’s history as an education reformer, and how it might influence his positions as a potential candidate for president.

Slate staff writer Alec MacGillis talks with EWA about his profile of the former Florida governor, charter schools, the testing...

Jan 24, 2015

President Obama’s address to Congress laid out ambitious plans for higher education reform. But there was scant mention of initiatives for elementary and secondary students.

Education Week’s Lauren Smith Camera and Alyson Klein—authors of the Politics K-12 blog—tell EWA Radio what’s really on the...

Jan 22, 2015

On Tuesday night, President Obama renewed his commitment to making community college free to most students, despite a distinct lack of enthusiasm from the Republican-controlled Congress.

Kelly Field, the Chronicle of Higher Education’s chief Washington reporter, shares her take on Obama’s speech with...

Jan 7, 2015

Two journalists, a local reporter who covers education in Bakersfield and national reporter for NPR, discuss how they approach their beats, reflect on surprises they encountered in 2014, and provide predictions for the stories of 2015. Teaser: What grabs attention nationally may not be on the minds of local readers. 

Jan 5, 2015

A reporter who covers Ohio State University and a national higher-ed reporter discuss how their vantage points influence coverage. Does having a background in covering K-12 improve higher-ed reporting? Do national reporters benefit from living near flagship state universities? The guests also make predictions...