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EWA​, the professional organization dedicated to ​strengthening the community of education ​writers and improving the ​quality of education coverage ​to better inform the public, hosts ​a weekly podcast featuring lively interviews with journalists.

Dec 17, 2019

In an in-depth investigation of Tennessee's program offering free community college to new high school graduates, The Tennessean's Jason Gonzales and Adam Tamburin found that many students pursuing degrees and career certifications need more support and resources far beyond tuition assistance. Gonzales and Tamburin,

Dec 10, 2019

In a joint investigation, ProPublica Illinois’ Jodi Cohen and Jennifer Smith Richards of The Chicago Tribune teamed up to investigate  the use of seclusion rooms in Illinois’ public schools. In the process, they discovered that seclusion -- billed as a humane way to control misbehaving students -- was...

Dec 3, 2019

When Betsy DeVos was confirmed as the U.S. secretary of education in early 2017, few observers would have bet she would stick around for long. Today, DeVos is one of the longest-serving members of President Trump’s cabinet. Rebecca Klein of The Huffington Post talked with dozens of people about the controversial...